I’m just a simple girl who likes dessert. And sexy men. And social media. So starting an anonymous video channel called The Sexpert as a side hustle to make up for my low-paying marketing job at Le Man Magazine seemed like a perfectly sensible career decision. Until we went viral, my boss accused my anonymous personality of stealing his idea, and now my super sexy new boyfriend, Andrew, is out to get me.
Her. Me. Whatever.
I don’t want it to be her. I do not want this… sweet, delicious, shy social media nerd working at my best friend’s magazine to be the face behind those perky cupcakes on the Sexpert channel. I don’t want it to be her… because I like her. A lot. She’s funny, and quirky, and smart, and creative… and… I really, really like her. It just can’t be her.
But it is.
More info →
And I just updated the media kit page and wanted to let you know so I’ve included all the teasers and stuff on that page and at the bottom of this one. If you would like to read the excerpt early and get a look at all the teasers just SCROLL DOWN and take a peek at the file link! 🙂 Why not, right? And if you’d like to share any of this stuff on Release day TUESDAY JULY 24, we’d really appreciate it! There’s no Amazon link until release day but I’ll update everything as soon as it goes live.
Johnathan and I are having so many DELICIOUS GIVEAWAYS this week because of Book Bonanza happening in Denver and the book releasing soon. So you should check out our author pages and our Fan Group Shrike Bikes and our Twitters and IG to keep up with all that cool stuff! Links for all those places below!
Here’s just a little sample of what we’re gonna give away!

(CLICK TO ENLARGE, then right click to download to your computer)
I’m just a simple girl who likes dessert. And sexy men. And social media. So starting an anonymous video channel called The Sexpert as a side hustle to make up for my low-paying marketing job at Le Man Magazine seemed like a perfectly sensible career decision. Until we went viral, my boss accused my anonymous personality of stealing his idea, and now my super sexy new boyfriend, Andrew, is out to get me.
Her. Me. Whatever.
I don’t want it to be her. I do not want this… sweet, delicious, shy social media nerd working at my best friend’s magazine to be the face behind those perky cupcakes on the Sexpert channel. I don’t want it to be her… because I like her. A lot. She’s funny, and quirky, and smart, and creative… and… I really, really like her. It just can’t be her.
But it is.
More info →